


By Simple Design Studio2024年12月12日觀看次數:531次



In the hustle and bustle of urban life, a comfortable and stylish home is the ideal retreat. This modern high-rise residence beautifully showcases the most popular light-wood minimalist design trend of 2025, enhanced by carefully curated brand furniture and advanced audio technology.



餐廳是這個家中最能營造家庭氛圍的地方。圓形木質餐桌不僅象徵團圓與共享,還成為空間的視覺焦點。這張桌子搭配了丹麥設計師Claus BonderupTorsten Thorup共同打造的經典SEMI吊燈,其流線造型與柔和光線為用餐空間增添了更多的儀式感。
同時,選用的Vitra HAL RE Tube餐椅以簡約而不失細節的設計為主,提供舒適的座感,成為結合功能性與美觀的理想家具。這樣的設計選擇不僅呼應了當代熱門的極簡主義家居風潮,也展現了設計師對生活細節的用心。


Dining Room: Warm Ambiance Meets Timeless Design

The dining room is the heart of family life, offering a cozy and inviting atmosphere. A round wooden dining table symbolizes unity and sharing while serving as the focal point of the space. It is paired with the iconic SEMI Pendant Lamp, designed by Danish architects Claus Bonderup and Torsten Thorup, whose sleek curves and soft lighting add a sense of ritual to the dining experience.

Complementing this is the Vitra HAL RE Tube dining chair, a design that combines simplicity with detailed craftsmanship to provide comfort and functionality. This choice not only aligns with the popular minimalist interior trend but also reflects the designer’s meticulous attention to everyday living details.



臥房作為家的靈魂之地,設計重點在於營造寧靜與舒適的氛圍。牆面採用米色暈染材質,搭配訂製的床背板,形成視覺上的柔和層次感。床旁配置的木作弧形床頭櫃展現了手工家具的細緻工藝,搭配來自北歐設計品牌的VIPP 523 Wall Lamp壁燈與Normann Copenhagen Bit邊桌,以獨特的設計語彙為空間增添一抹藝術氣息。



Bedroom: Soft Elegance for a Tranquil Retreat

The bedroom, as the soul of a home, focuses on creating a serene and comfortable environment. The walls feature a beige ombré finish, paired with a custom headboard to add visual depth. Beside the bed is a handcrafted curved wooden nightstand, demonstrating artisanal precision. It is accompanied by the VIPP 523 Wall Lamp and Normann Copenhagen Bit side table, adding a touch of artistic charm to the space.

This bedroom design invites relaxation, evoking the comfort of a five-star hotel and seamlessly blending residential comfort with aesthetic sophistication. Whether basking in the morning sunlight or enjoying the gentle glow at night, this room is the homeowner’s favorite retreat.



家中最令人驚嘆的亮點,無疑是客廳中那套頂級的Bowers & Wilkins 802 D4音響系統。這款音響以百萬等級的價格和極致音質,成為音響愛好者的夢想之選。業主作為資深音響發燒友,在房屋設計的初期階段便與團隊合作,為音響量身訂製了專屬展示與使用空間。


Living Room: A Dual Sensory Experience of Sight and Sound

The centerpiece of this home is undoubtedly the Bowers & Wilkins 802 D4 audio system in the living room. With its high price tag and unmatched sound quality, it is a dream for audiophiles. As a passionate audio enthusiast, the homeowner collaborated with the design team during the initial planning stages to create a custom space tailored to the audio system.

Beyond its auditory capabilities, the audio system is seamlessly integrated into the room’s layout, exemplifying the harmony between technology and art. The dual-directional sofa is strategically positioned to allow music enthusiasts to enjoy immersive soundscapes while taking in breathtaking city views. This design elevates the living room to the heart of home entertainment and the visual highlight of the space.



整個住宅的設計處處體現了設計師與業主對細節的追求。每件家具、每盞燈具、甚至每一個配件的選擇,都是經過反覆思考與精挑細選的結果。特別是與設計趨勢緊密結合的家具品牌,如VitraNormann CopenhagenVIPP等,不僅為空間增添質感,還能與當代流行的高端家居生活完美對接。



Details: The Secret to Refinement and Quality Living

Every corner of this residence reflects the designer’s and homeowner’s pursuit of perfection. Each piece of furniture, lighting fixture, and accessory is carefully selected to enhance the overall aesthetic. The use of iconic brands like Vitra, Normann Copenhagen, and VIPP adds a layer of sophistication, bridging the gap between contemporary trends and luxurious living.

This modern high-rise home flawlessly combines light-wood minimalism, Nordic design elements, and cutting-edge audio technology, making it a dream residence for urban dwellers. From dining and relaxation to enjoying music, every moment is infused with elegance and comfort, epitomizing the new standard of lifestyle aesthetics in 2025.
